
Book collections

Recommended books

Reservations may be made via the Library Catalogue should all copies be out on loan.

A list of recommended titles appears at the end of Tutorial Letter 101 for each course. Each title has been allocated a book number which should be supplied when requesting books from the library.

Prescribed books

Students are therefore required to purchase their own copies of prescribed books.

official booksellers.

No reservations are made for prescribed books that are already out on loan. Students who have problems obtaining specific prescribed books from the booksellers should contact:

Open shelf books

Students may borrow all the books in the Open Shelf Collection except the reference books (eg dictionaries, encyclopaedias, bibliographies and atlases). These books are marked with the prefix REF before the number and may only be used in the Library.

Use the colour-code shelf guide, available on each floor, to determine the location of the books.

Reference collection

The reference collection is indicated by the letters REFin front of the classification number.

The items in the reference collection are to be used in the library and may not be taken out

Little used collection

The Little Used collection is located on level 1 of the Main Library and contains: earlier editions of books that are no longer used regularly discontinued journal titles and earlier issues of journals.


Newspapers are available in the Newspaper Reading area on level 4 of the Main Library.

Contact number: +27 12 429 3209

More information about borrowing and renewing  of library material.

Last modified: 2023/08/07