College of Economic & Management Sciences

Unisan appointed Ambassador to the ACU's SDG network

Prof Goonasagree Naidoo, of the College of Economic and Management Sciences’ Department of Public Administration and Management, has been appointed Ambassador to the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Network.


Prof Goonasagree Naidoo

The ACU considers that higher education has a crucial role to play in responding to topical issues such as climate change, through a combination of academic teaching, practical research and potentially engaged scholarship. Naidoo is part of the Commonwealth Climate Resilience Network Steering Committee. Her interests are directly linked to her teaching, research and engaged scholarship.

Naidoo will take up this voluntary role against the background of her interest in the consequences of, and responses to, disaster risk management. Her nomination will facilitate commitment and stronger two-way communication between the ACU and Unisa.

She will act as the main liaison with the ACU, relaying all opportunities offered by it, and communicating the university's responses to and priorities on disaster risk management in which she has extensive knowledge and experience.

Naidoo is well suited to the role, having worked in the United Kingdom as an executive in international trade and having forged international collaborative initiatives in various other roles and capacities.

She participated in the recent BRICS Conference on disaster management (including climate change) and disaster risk management, and continues to participate in the United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)  Climate Change webinars, seminars and meetings, which tie into her teaching and research interests.

Importantly, Naidoo’s involvement with and role in the ACU will tie in with Unisa’s Ten Catalytic Niche Areas, most notably Natural and Health Sciences, and Marine Studies, which are aligned to the UN Climate Change SDGs. 

* Compiled by the Department of Institutional Advancement 

Publish date: 2023/11/23

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