Department of Science and Technology Education

Call for abstracts: 2nd Science, Technology, Mathematics, Engineering and Mathematics Educators and Researchers in Africa (STEM-ERA) Conference 2023

As one of the pillars of STEM education, you are reminded to submit your abstract for our second STEM-ERA Conference to be held from the 27th to the 30th of June 2023.

STEM-ERA Conference aims to bring together educators and researchers in STEM education from around the world to share and discuss their teaching, learning, and research. This is an amazing platform for you and you and your students to showcase the amazing work you are doing in the field of STEM education.

Kindly share the attached call along with the guidelines for authors with the respective departments in STEM education.

NB: Abstracts are due on the 3rd of March  2023. 

Looking forward to seeing all your submissions.

Publish date: 2023/02/13