Unisa Press

Readings in Modernity in Africa

Published: January 01, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-86888-528-2

To buy the book contact UNISA Press on +27 (0) 12 429 3515/3448

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To buy the book contact UNISA Press on +27 (0) 12 429 3515/3448

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About the book

In association with The International African Institute, Indiana University Press, Unisa Press & James Currey Publishers

This book offers students of Africa an overview of the variety of scholarly works stimulated by the question of modernity, and gives tools for dealing with its intellectual paradoxes. It consists of two different parts; one providing both analytical and historical examples of the genealogies of modernity in Africa; the other a set of ethnographic sketches of current manifestations of modernity in Africa.

Two kinds of tools are provided with which to research and manage the admittedly dazzling variety of manifestations of modernity in Africa:

- A selective but substantive sketch of the genealogies of modernity in Africa; and

- An introductory research guide which tracks key dimensions, trajectories and lo­cations of modernity in Africa and beyond