Unisa Press

The Road to Democracy: A Walk to Remember

A walk to remember 17 June 2023

This walk commemorates and celebrates the spirit of freedom and democracy that defines our country.

Join us on a walk from the Unisa Main Campus to Freedom Park Heritage Museum on the 17th of June 2023. Click here for the detailed route and landmarks along the route.

The walk will begin at Unisa Main Campus Pretoria, passing by historical landmarks and sites of significance during the times of the struggle towards our democracy. These landmarks enroute to Freedom Park were identified by historian Professor Sifiso Ndlovu editor of The Road to democracy 10 Volume series are Unisa Main Campus, Pretoria Station with its historic Herbert Baker station building, Kgosi Mampuru II Correctional Centre and Freedom Park Heritage Museum.

This walk is open to all who share a love for our country and its heritage. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who wants to be part of this historic event, we encourage you to join us.

This will be an opportunity to meet and engage with like-minded people as we strengthen the bonds that unite us as a nation. It will also be a chance to reflect on the progress we have made as a country and the work that still needs to be done to build a better future for all.

The objective of the event is to relive the memories from our historic past and imbue in people's hearts and minds, especially our youth, the ideals of freedom which we must continue to cherish amidst current events. There is so much that we can learn from our predecessors’ contributions in Africa and internationally, as well as from the youth and women who participated in the transition to the South African democracy.

The Road to democracy a 10-Volume series of books, in the majority, are published by UNISA Press. The series was commissioned by our former President and Chancellor Thabo Mbeki and the South African Democracy Education Trust (SADET). The book series covers the history of South Africa from the 1964 to the 1994, with a particular focus on the struggle against apartheid and the transition to democracy.

Each volume in the series is dedicated to a specific theme or period in South African history. The first volume captures the origins of apartheid and the resistance to it during the 1960s. It then moves on to cover the rise of the Black Consciousness Movement, the Soweto Uprising, and the international sanctions campaign against apartheid South Africa.

Other volumes in the series cover topics such as the role of women in the struggle and the negotiations that led to the release of Nelson Mandela from Robben Island Prison.  The first democratic elections and the challenges facing the new democratic government also form part of the series’ later volumes.

The Road to Democracy series is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the understanding and researching the history of South Africa and the struggle for democracy. It provides a comprehensive and detailed account of the events and people that shaped the country's past. It also offers insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. For more detail information on the volumes click here.

Register here to join us on the 17th of June for this unforgettable event. Let us come together and walk towards a brighter future for our country!

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Last modified: 2023/07/30