Unisa Press


Author: Ilse Carla Groenewald
Published: September 19, 2013
ISBN: 978-186888725-5
Number of pages: 160
This book is not available in electronic format

About the book


Afrikamasutra is the super sexy Afrikaans translation of Vatsayayana’s Kama Sutra by writer Ilse Carla Groenewald.  The book is beautifully and humorously illustrated by Diek Grobler, Hardus Koekemoer and Marna Schoeman.

The Kama Sutra can be seen as the standard work on human sexual behaviour, originally written in Sanskrit by Vatsyayana between the first and sixth century AD.  The work was called the ‘Vatsyayana Kama Sutra’ or ‘Aphorisms on Love by Vasyayana’.  Kama referring to aesthetic or erotic pleasure and love, with Sutra referring to the thread that links everything and everyone.

Afrikamasutra is a unique book based on the Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana.  What makes it unique is that it is the first Afrikaans translation of the Kama Sutra and all illustrations in the book are done by three, well known South African artists, namely Diek Grobler, Hardus Koekemoer and Marna Schoeman.  The illustrations are meant to illucidate the text in a humorous and creative manner.

The book is not merely a direct translation of the original, but aims to capture the South African idiom to give a fresh, unique and sensual look at sexuality, aimed at the modern, free thinking South African reader.  Afrikamasutra looks at love, respect, spirituality, sexuality, intimacy and social issues in a creative, humorous, yet compassionate way.

The text is a sharp, witty, but also poetic interpretation of the original text by Vasyayana. 

No such work has ever been published in South Africa.  Afrikamasutra is truly uniquely South African!


Afrikamasutra is die uiters sensuele, Afrikaanse weergawe van Vatsayayana se Kama Sutra

uit die pen van skrywer Ilse Carla Groenewald.  Die boek is pragtig en humoristies geïllustreer deur Diek Grobler, Hardus Koekemoer en Marna Schoeman.

Die Kama Sutra word gesien as die standaard werk oor menslike seksuele gedrag in Sanskrit geskryf  deur Vatsyayana tussen die eerste en sesde eeu na Christus.  Kama verwys na estetiese en erotiese plesier en liefde, terwyl Sutra na die draadjie verwys wat alles en almal aan mekaar verbind.

Afrikamasutra is ‘n unieke boek gebaseer op die Kama Sutra deur Vatsyayana.  Wat hierdie boek uniek maak is dat dit die eerste Afrikaanse vertaling van die Kama Sutra is en al die illustrasies in die boek is gedoen deur drie bekende Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars, naamlik Diek Grobler, Hardus Koekemoer and Marna Schoeman. Die illustrasies lig op humoristiese en kreatiewe wyse die teks toe.

Die boek is nie slegs ‘n direkte vertaling van die oorspronklike nie, maar is gemik daarop om die Suid-Afrikaanse idioom vas te vang en ‘n vars, unieke en sensuele blik te gee op seksualiteit wat gemik is op die moderne, vrydenkende Suid-Afrikaanse leser.  Afrikamasutra kyk na liefde, respek, spiritualiteit, seksualiteit, intimiteit en ander sosiale kwessies op ‘n humoristiese, tog deernisvolle wyse.

Die teks is ‘n skerp, pittige, maar ook poëtiese interpretasie van die oorspronklike teks deur Vatsyayana.  Geen so ‘n werk is nog ooit in Suid-Afrika gepubliseer nie.  Afrikamasutra is waarlik uniek Suid-Afrikaans!

Table of content


Voorwoord .................................................................................................................................................. v

Deel 1: Inleidend

Deel 2: Seksuele samesyn

Deel 3: Die huwelik

Deel 4: Minnaars

Deel 5: Resepte en rate

Illustrasies .............................................................................................................................................. 166