Unisa Press

South Africa’s High-Stress Security Environment

Keys to coping

Author: Gerhard Schoeman
Published: August 17, 2023
ISBN: 978-1-77615-183-7
Number of pages: 134
This book is also available in electronic format
ISBN: 978-1-77615-184-4

About the book

This book delves into methods for coping with stress in a high-stress security environment. The causes and consequences of stress are explored, followed by a comprehensive discussion of coping strategies that can be used by security personnel.

 A scientifically tested model for coping with stress in a high-stress security environment is presented, indicating the relationship between personality and coping. This is potentially ground-breaking since it explores the relationship between personality and coping in an innovative way. The model provides a simplified visual presentation of the coping process and the flow between stressors, personality, coping strategies, the positive outcomes of coping effectively and the negative consequences of not coping.  


Both the coping strategies, and the discussion on personality, are applicable to any person working within a stressful environment.


The areas of stress and coping in the security environment have not previously been researched in this manner, and this book fills a gap in the theoretical and practical arena of coping in high-stress environments, providing a workable model that can be used in industry.


“Mental health and the security industry are uncomfortable bedfellows. For one, the ‘cowboys don’t cry’ mantra of previous generations still persists, and private security officers aren’t always entirely willing to speak up, speak out, or seek help. For another, security officers cannot always identify signs and symptoms of a higher than acceptable level of stress, and think they can continue living with that stress because, ‘that’s just the way it is, and the way our industry works’. Leaders, i.e. managers, supervisors and employers in our industry should be taking a more active, and proactive, role in looking out for vulnerable security officers, as experience has taught that we are indeed stronger together. United we stand.” Rory Steyn, Founder and Director of NSA Global (www.nsa-global.com)