Unisa Press

African Initiatives in Healing Ministry

Author: Lilian Dube, Tabona Shoko,& Stephen Hayes
Published: June 08, 2011
ISBN: 978-1-86888-566-4
Number of pages: 223

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012 428 3515

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About the book

Healing ministry is becoming more prominent in many different Christian traditions in Southern Africa. In the past, however, it was largely confined to the Spirit-type African Independent Churches, where it was (and still is) used as a recruitment technique par excellence. For these denominations healing is central to mission, and the church is seen primarily as a healing institution. In the Western-initiated churches, healing was earlier seen as peripheral, but has become more central in recent years.

This book presents four case studies of the healing ministry in Zimbabwe, based on research by Dr Tabona Shoko and Dr Lilian Dube, synchronised into a single volume by Stephen Hayes . The case studies examine aspects of the healing ministry in four different denominations: The Zvikomborero Apostolic Church, the St Elijah Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church.

By way of introduction, the authors firstly provide insights into the historical setting and the background to Christianity in Zimbabwe. In Part I, the religious background is further outlined, especially traditional religion among the Shona people of Zimbabwe, and healing in African independent churches in general.

In the second part, the focus is on the case studies of healing in two African independent churches, and two Western-initiated churches (Roman Catholic and Anglican). Part III consists of conclusions drawn from the case studies, while the Epilogue looks at the wider application of the case studies, and the implications for Christianity in Africa in general.

The core of this book is four case studies of the healing ministry in Zimbabwe, based on research by Dr Tabona Shoko and Dr Lilian Dube. The case studies examine aspects of the healing ministry in four different denominations: The Zvikomborero Apostolic Church, the St Elijah Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church.

These case studies show that healing ministry is becoming more prominent in many different Christian traditions in Southern Africa. In the past, however, it was largely confined to the Spirit-type African Independent Churches, where it was (and still is) used as a recruitment technique par excellence. For these denominations healing is central to mission, and the church is seen primarily as a healing institution. In the Western-initiated churches, exemplified in the case studies by the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches, healing was earlier seen as peripheral, but has become more central in recent years, as the case studies show, though it is still not as prominent as in the prophetic-healing ministry of the Spirit-type AICs.

The book is arranged into three main sections, with an introduction and an epilogue. The introduction deals with the historical setting and the background to Christianity in Zimbabwe. Part I deals with the religious background, especially traditional religion among the Shona people of Zimbabwe, and healing in African independent churches in general.

Part II consists of four case studies of healing in different Christian denominations in Zimbabwe, two African independent churches, and two Western-initiated churches (Roman Catholic and Anglican).

Part III consists of conclusions drawn from the case studies. The Epilogue looks at the wider application of the case studies, and the implications for Christianity in Africa in general.

Table of content

The authors vii Preface ix Series preface ix About this publication xi

Introduction 1

The context of the case studies - Stephen Hayes 3             Historical background and setting 4            Christianity in Zimbabwe 8             Notes on terminology 16 Healing in mainline and independent churches - Tabona Shoko 18

Part 1 Shona history and traditional religion 23

The Shona people of Zimbabwe - Lilian Dube 25 Health and healing in traditional Shona society - Tabona Shoko 31             Traditional causes 31             Traditional diagnosis 36             Traditional healing 38 Healing in African Initiated Churches - Lilian Dube 44             Prophecy 47 Women’s religious experience - Lilian Dube 54             Women’s leadership among the Budya of Mutoko 57             Conclusion 69

Part 2 Case studies of healing in Shona churches 71

Agnes Majecha and the Zvikomborero Apostolic Church - Lilian Dube 73             The ministry of exorcism and healing Faith 78             Conclusion 95             Agnes Majecha’s therapeutic praxis - Lilian Dube 97 Healing in the St Elijah Church - Tabona Shoko 117
Healing in Super Roma - Tabona Shoko 127             Father Augustine Urayai 127             Super Roma 131 Healing in Chita cheZvipo zveMoto (CZM) - Tabona Shoko 134

Part 3 Evaluation and conclusions 145

Women, traditional spirits and the Holy Spirit - Lilian Dube 147             Women and the Holy Spirit 151             Similarities and differences between             the old and the new 152             Conclusion 155 A new paradigm - Tabona Shoko 159

Epilogue 173

A distinctive African revival in Christian healing ministries - Stephen Hayes 175

Bibliography 189 Glossary 198
Index 198