Unisa Press

Find Meaning, Stop Wondering

Author: Solomon Makola
Published: September 13, 2016
ISBN: 978-1-86888-797-2
Number of pages: 321
This book is not available in electronic format

About the book

Find Meaning, Stop Wondering  has grown out of a testimony of hope that has touched and changed millions of lives. Rooted in the philosophy and practices of Holocaust survivor Dr Viktor Frankl, Find Meaning, Stop Wondering proposes that meaning can be found even under the most devastating and stressful of circumstances.

Mining the wealth of his professional experience, Solomon Makola throws a spotlight on ways of helping students to successfully dedicate themselves to an appropriate choice of study – one suited to their interests and passions. From there he encourages them to see their lives in the context of a broader meaning, stimulating engagement of a positive life orientation that will contribute to successful completion of their studies. 

While Makola identifies a select readership – those searching for meaning in their lives – Find Meaning, Stop Wondering also appeals to readers from the field of education concerned to combat the high dropout rate, especially among Black students of disadvantaged backgrounds. 

Solomon Makola positions the reader not as a helpless victim of fate but as a victor whose life challenge is to make the right choices, and to maintain a positive attitude.  Even suffering can have meaning depending on the attitude we take towards it.

This orientation makes Find Meaning, Stop Wondering compelling to read, not only for adherents of Logotherapy but also for the lay reader, the general public.