Unisa Press

Student Counselling and Development

Contemporary issues in the Southern African Context

Author: Litha Beekman, Charl
Published: September 13, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-86888-681-4
Number of pages: 358

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012 4293515/3448

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About the book

As a ground-breaking scholarly contribution to the field of psychology, this is a comprehensive peer-reviewed publication for those working in Student Counselling and Development (SCD) units in higher education (HE).

Written by experienced practitioners, the book sets out to:

  • Expand on the theoretical, research and conceptual foundations of SCD;
  • Position SCD within an African context;
  • Equip readers with the latest information on developments within the SCD field of study;
  • Specifically disseminate original research on the historical development of SCD and the role of the Southern African Association for Counselling and Development in Higher Education (SAACDHE) in developing the study field as a core function within HE institutions;
  • Provide a comprehensive work for a wide range of counsellors, psychologists, health-related professionals, academics, researchers, educators and student services personnel who work in SCD, wellness and student support units.

Divided into five sections to outline an extensive coverage of SCD, the various chapters offer summaries of applicable theories and research to orientate readers and provide a background for discussions on different programmes and issues. Contemporary issues are discussed in every section to highlight unique challenges for practise and research.

Table of content


1 Historical overview 3

1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Establishment of student counselling and development services in higher education in southern africa 7 1.3 Conclusion 16

2 Founding and development of the southern african association   for counselling and development in higher education 18

2.1 Introduction 18 2.2 Forming stage (1972 to 1984) 20 2.3 Storming stage (1985 to 1987) 25 2.4 Norming stage (1988 to 2000) 29 2.5 performing stage (2001 to present) 34 2.6 Conclusion 37