Unisa Press


The truth behind the big money Robberies

Author: Hennie Lochner and Peet Van Staden
Published: July 20, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-77615-063-2
Number of pages: 176
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About the book

The revelations in this book are critical for the cash in transit (CIT) companies, financial services industries and criminal justice system alike. Propelled by excessive greed, CIT robberies are executed ruthlessly with no respect for human life. The book epitomises and demonstrates how ‘the love of money could be root cause of evil’. The book will assist the stakeholders within the criminal justice system to circumvent the stratagems of these robbers and mete out punishment proportional to the crime.

With one of the authors having used convicts of CIT crimes as participants for a PhD study, he solicited data from the lived experiences of CIT robbers that reveal their modus operandi, which is crucial to combat these robberies. The authors reveal how CIT robbers meticulously plan and execute their ambushes collaborating with the sophisticated network of accomplices. These include the police informers, insiders who work for the CIT companies, professional car thieves, cell phone technicians, suppliers of illegal ammunition like the AK47 and sangomas among others.

The book reveals the patience of the robbers in doing surveillance, intelligence work and knowing how much money is being transported as they do not just strike for little cash. The authors report that CIT robbers are afraid of sophisticated technology like the DNA for evidence in court, helicopters which can easily locate where they are as well as the high level of training of the CIT security officers. Therefore, the book is a timely publication that provides information to combat CIT crimes.