Unisa Press

Hannah Arendt’s response to the crisis of her times

Author: Antony Court
Published: December 13, 2010
ISBN: 978-1-86888-547-3
Number of pages: 335

To buy the book contact UNISA Press on +27 (0) 12 429 3515/3448

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About the book

Hannah Arendt's contributions to twentieth century political thought resist easy categorisation even as they continue to yield up their prescient insights and inspire a new generation of admirers. There are few thinkers in Western history who share Arendt's unwavering sense for the political. She is perhaps the quintessential political thinker of the modern age. Yet it was not a romantic attachment to antiquity and the polis-life that informed her judgements about what it means to be political. Rather, it was her response to the twentieth century phenomenon of 'total domination' that shaped her thought and in various ways confronted her in life. Arendt steadfastly resisted the manifold pathologies of her times, composing an extended and often harrowing meditation on their horrors. Nevertheless, in her defiance and her unrelenting composure, Arendt reminded us that beginnings are without end, and that each new beginning ‘is guaranteed by each new birth; it is indeed every man’.

About the author

Anthony Court is senior researcher in the Primedia Holocaust and Genocide Unit, at the University of South Africa.