Unisa Press

Between Empire and Revolution

A Life of Sidney Bunting, 1873–1936

Author: Allison Drew
Published: October 08, 2009
ISBN: 978-1-86888-571-8
Number of pages: 298
This book is not available in electronic format

About the book

This is the first scholarly biography of Sidney Bunting. His life offers a unique perspective on the British Empire, illustrating the complex social networks and values that were carried across the world in the name of empire. The lawyer son of renowned Wesleyan social activists, Bunting was radicalised in South Africa. He was a founding member of the Communist party and campaigned for black emancipation.

Allison Drew draws on archival material which has only recently become available, including the Bunting family papers, records of Bunting’s Oxford years, trail transcripts from Bunting’s legal and political career, and the Com intern archives. The book is supplemented with a number of historic photographs, spanning the mid-1890s and up to his 1929 electoral campaign

Table of content

1                To Save Souls

2                God and Gladstone

3                A Classical Boy

4                Imperial University

5                Fighting for Empire

6                An Englishman in Johannesburg

7                A New Gospel

8                ‘The Star in the East’

9                ‘The Earth is the Workers’

10             Fighting Against Empire

11             For a Native Republic

12             Into the Wilderness

13             Falling from Grace

14             A Weary Soul