Unisa Press

Close to the sources

Essays on Contemporary African Culture, Politics and Academy

Author: Maurice Taonezvi Vambe
Published: November 19, 2009
ISBN: 978-1-86888-549-7
Number of pages: 172
This book is not available in electronic format

About the book

This is one of the first books in Africa to explore the status and critical relationships between politics,  culture, literary creativity, criticism, education and publishing in the context of promoting Africa’s indigenous knowledge systems. The book’s main themes are built around literary culture, the role of meta-criticism and education in post independence Africa. While building on the theoretical blocks of Cabral’s works, the book assimilates insights from some important sources of scholarship in Africa and creates space for itself to - revise and extend Amilcar Cabral’s concept of the Return To The Source and introduce in critical ways, notions of inter-, cross-, and trans-disciplinary approaches to the understanding of African culture, politics and the academy.

The book combines and links the analysis of politics, creative works of art, and literary criticism, to educational as well as publishing trends in Africa.