Unisa Press


A Short History of the ANC in the North West Province from 1909

Author: Manson, Mbenga, Lissoni
Published: March 08, 2017
ISBN: 978-1-86888-807-8
Number of pages: 159
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About the book

This publication offers a regional perspective on the ANC's over 100-year history. Many accounts of the ANC have focused predominantly on national or urban issues and developments often to the detriment of the periphery. The book focuses on South Africa's North-West Province, a mainly rural and less well understood, but nonetheless extremely vital, area of the ANC's activities and strategies in its wider national liberation history. Written by authors well versed in the province's political background, this account sheds light on people and events that have not figured so centrally in previous histories of the ANC. In so doing, it both increments our knowledge and appreciation of the organisation's quest for a politically free South Africa, and provides a legacy to which others may aspire.

About the author

Andrew Manson is currently a Research Fellow in the Department of History at the University of South Africa. Formerly, he was Professor of History and later a Research Professor at the North-West University from where he retired in 2014.

Bernard Mbenga is a Professor of History at the North-West University, Mafikeng campus. His recent publications, variously co-authored or co-edited with historians including Hermann Giliomee, Andrew Manson, Carolyn Hamilton and Robert Ross, include 'People of the Dew': The Bafokeng of the Phokeng-Rustenberg district of South Africa; The Cambridge History of South Africa. Vol 1. From early times to 1885; and Land, chiefs, mining: South Africa's North West Province since 1840.

Arianna Lissoni is a researcher in the History Workshop at the University of the Witwatersrand. She is one of the editors of the South African Historical Journal and co-editor of the book One Hundred Years of the ANC (Wits University Press, 2012).