Unisa Press

Making an African University in the Service of Humanity

Professor Mandla Makhanya’s speeches

Author: Abbey Makoe and Muxe Nkondo
Published: March 10, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-77615-105-9
Number of pages: 319
This book is not available in electronic format

About the book

Servant leadership, social justice, service excellence, transformation and decolonisation are reverberating themes that summarise Prof Makhanya’s decade long incumbency at Unisa. These are captivated in his speeches in which he clearly articulated his vision to the staff of this mega Open Distance e-Learning institution. He took the helms of this globally revered institution when e-learning was still in its infancy and his dexterous leadership culminates with the writing of online exams, an unprecedented innovation compounded by COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. He also consolidated the university’s footprints on the African continent and across the globe. Being a captain of this giant titanic ship, he cruised through the fierce winds of hurricane proportions such as the #FeesMustFall, #OutsourcingMustFall, difficult political landscape and reduced budget from the Department of Higher Education and Training. Moreover, he dismantled patriarchy and the suppression of women who unde his tutelage were groomed into leadership positions with some now holding leadership positions in prestigious universities in South Africa and within Unisa. More importantly, as he exits the stage after ten years of servant leadership, he has made a pathway for the first black woman Principal and Vice-Chancellor in Unisa’s 148 years of existence, in Prof. Puleng LenkaBula who also served under his leadership in various strategic management positions. Having served Unisa with distinction and integrity, he passes the baton to a capable woman leaderwho will spur Unisa to success in fulfilling a vision of ‘An African University shaping futures in the service of humanity’.