Unisa Press

Sisters in the struggle Vol 1

Women of Indian Origin in South Africa's Liberation Struggle 1900–1994 VOLUME 1: 1900–1940s

Author: Kalpana Hiralal
Published: December 20, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-77615-071-7
This book is not available in electronic format

About the book

Women of all races, including those of Indian descent, had been victims of patriarchy, chauvinism and misogyny since time
immemorial. Traditional and religious beliefs perpetrated these injustices. Some men also believed that women were not eligible to participate in the resistance against apartheid nor be members of political parties, and this perception only changed in the 1940s.

The involvement of Indian women in the liberation struggle has scant representation in literature. ‘Sisters in the struggle’: Women of Indian Origin in South Africa’s Liberation Struggle 1900–1994 unveils an unchartered historical terrain, highlighting the contributions of Indian women towards non-racialism and equality and their experiences within diverse political parties; therefore, shifting the post-apartheid liberation stories which have been dominated by the journey of the ANC to other political organisations who collectively played a significant role in South Africa’s road to democracy. Indians are perceived by some as oppressors
and exploiters of black labour than as active participants in the struggle against apartheid.

In this book, Hiralal presents a refreshing perspective of Indians, particularly women, as contributors and activists in the struggle. The book elucidates that the struggle against apartheid was a collective endeavour among the oppressed races and not a one-sided endeavour by the ANC. Therefore, this book presents a fresh perspective to the history of South Africa in which the participation of Indian women against apartheid and colonialism are examined within a gender and political framework.