Unisa Press


A Question in the African Philosophy of Mind

Author: Dr Hasskei Mohammed Majeed
Published: October 05, 2017
ISBN: 978-1-86888-836-8
Number of pages: 260
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Reincarnation is a focus of much debate in modern African thought. In this challenging study, Majeed rejects the denial of the existence of reincarnation in African thought by reference to Akan culture. However, he makes a clear distinction between metempsychosis and transmigration. Linking the past – ancient religious philosophies – with present African thought in sub-Saharan Africa, he strives towards an “African philosophy of mind”. Although Majeed acknowledges the popular scholarly opinion that reincarnation is a “pristine concept”, he shows that it is generally an irrational one. He boldly argues that the philosophical problem of personal identity is central to the rationale of reincarnation. This very irrationality in African thought raises our understanding of the constitution of a person.

Table of content

Belief in Reincarnation in Some Ancient Cultures
Chapter 1: Egyptian Belief
Chapter 2: Greek Belief
Chapter 3: Indian Belief
Chapter 4: Chinese Belief
Chapter 5: Incan Belief
Personal Identity: A Prelude to Reincarnation
Chapter 6: On What Does Personal Identity Depend?
Reincarnation in African Philosophy
Chapter 7: The Doctrine of Reincarnation in
African Philosophy
Chapter 8: Rationality of Belief in Reincarnation
Chapter 9: Conclusion