Unisa Press

The Poetry

Author: Pitika Ntuli
Published: August 05, 2014
ISBN: 978-1-86888-751-4
Number of pages: 112

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012 429 3515 /3448

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About the book

Complementary to Pitika Ntuli – Scent of Invisible Footprint – the sculpture comes The poetry. Released in a new, pocket-size format to continue the intertwined dialogue between sculpture and poetry but, more so, to make the poetry of Pitika Ntuli accessible to a wider audience.
Pitika Ntuli, poet, sculptor and philosopher, has recently been honoured by the Arts and Culture Trust and Vodacom Foundation with the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award for Visual Art. On receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award, Ntuli explained, “Art is language that allows me to express disagreeable ideas agreeably. My life in art has been a ceaseless struggle to find a language that will capture the nuances of my times, and give concrete expression to the dreams that come by day and night. Sculpture is a bullfight that batters and bruises, and stretches the limits of endurance; but in the end you remain with a renewed aesthetic vision and a body pulsating with a spirit found from the relentless search for an ultimate shape or form, that would speak and answer the yet unasked questions.”
"I love you with the power of undulating Curves of bones With the marrow of memory Of our first kiss Under a bridge too far"

Table of content

Foreword ix
A gentle warning 1
Scent of Invisible footprints in Moments of complexity 2
Biko Reborn& 6
We begin a new era 7
Kept alive in Chains& 8
In my art 9
My body is a centre of colliding forces 10
Conversations with stone 11
Twin forces 13
In a recurring anthropomorphic dream 16
They came in waves& 18
They say his nose 20
Burdens of the past 21
Musical words 23
In our culture 24
Locked in an embrace 26
Translucent ideas 27
Black like an Angolan night 30
We have lost the faces of footprints 32
I suckled the smooth breast 33
Of one mind 36
Spiralling into existance 37
I look down 40
I carry echoes in my eardrums 42
There are echoes of string 43
Long breasted one 45
I carried out an autopsy 48
Vumani Bo! 51
Child of my mother 53
I love you with the power of undulating 55
Third Insurrection of Feet 57
Exhausted but inspired 59
We dug gold and diamonds 61
Twenty-First Insurrection of the Exhaust Pipe 63
Tenth Insurrection of the Exhaust Pipe 65
Thirteenth Insurrection of the Exhaust Pipe 67
Pressured to the limit 69
Too many many nights of blackouts& 71
Modigliani’s Second Memory& 74
Modigliani’s Memory 74
Sixth Insurrection of the Wheelbarrow& 77
Third Insurrection of the Wheelbarrow 77
The Insurrection of Hyenas 79
Amedeo Modigliani


In the past when stones were still soft as butter 82
Footprints 85